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Unlock the Power of CTV and Streaming Advertising to Connect with Female Viewers

Whether it’s during Women’s History Month in March or all year long, female consumers are a significant and growing market segment that brands, advertisers and marketers cannot afford to ignore – a segment that represents up to $15 trillion in buying power, according to Nielsen.

However, to successfully engage with female consumers, it's essential to understand their unique consumption habits, preferences, and values. One of the most effective ways to reach this demographic is through CTV and streaming advertising. In this article, we will explore how advertisers, brands, and marketers can and should use CTV and streaming advertising to communicate, reach, and advertise to female consumers in the United States.

Strategies for Tapping Into the Purchasing Power of Female Consumers

In addition to prioritizing inclusion in marketing and advertising efforts, there are several strategies that brands, marketers, and advertisers can use to effectively reach and engage the women’s consumer market.

One effective strategy is to use targeted marketing and advertising. This means creating campaigns and advertising that are specifically tailored to the female consumer market. For example, brands can use targeted advertising on social media platforms to reach specific segments of the female population, such as millennial women.

Another effective strategy is to sponsor and participate in events and initiatives that are important to the women communities. Gen Z is increasingly drawn to authenticity, and campaigns with a focus on empowerment and change are likely to resonate with younger women. For example, brands can sponsor and participate in events such as the Women in Film Crystal + Lucy Awards and the Women’s Media Awards, which are highly visible and respected within the female community.

Finally, brands, marketers, and advertisers can also use cause-related marketing to connect with the female consumer market. This means creating campaigns and advertising that support a cause or issue that is important to the female community, such as gender equality or economic empowerment.

Female Consumers and Streaming Services

When it comes to streaming TV, women make up a sizable audience — research shows 56% of the streaming TV audience is women, compared to 47% of men. With this demographic more tuned into streaming services, such as Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube TV, than ever before, businesses can reach female consumers through targeted advertising on streaming platforms.

How CTV and Streaming Advertising Can Reach Women

To effectively reach female consumers through CTV and streaming advertising, businesses must understand and respect their unique consumption habits, preferences, and values. Here are a few tips for how businesses can effectively engage with women through CTV and streaming advertising:

Prioritize diversity and inclusivity: Women are more likely to respond to advertising that is inclusive and representative across ages, ethnicities and lifestyles. In fact, Nielsen's Attitudes on Representation on TV study found that 48% of viewers are more likely to buy from brands that feature someone from their identity group in advertisements, and a study by executive director of San Diego State University’s Center found that streaming shows have more major female characters than traditional television.

Leverage data and targeting: CTV and streaming platforms offer businesses the ability to target specific demographics, such as female consumers, through data-driven targeting. This allows businesses to reach female consumers in a more targeted and effective way.

Align with their values: Women are investing in their future more than ever before, with college enrollment and career-seeking rising year over year. Campaigns and products that empower women in their drive to learn, succeed and invest are likely to resonate with this demographic.

The Advantages of CTV Advertising for Reaching Women

While online advertising can be targeted to specific demographics, it's limited to people who are actively browsing digital or social platforms. Plus, ad-blocking software has become increasingly popular among consumers, which can make online advertising less effective.

CTV advertising, on the other hand, reaches viewers who are watching streaming services as well as the streaming apps associated with linear networks, making it a more effective way to reach potential customers.

Streaming and CTV Advertising: A Cost-Effective Solution for Marketers

Streaming and CTV offer marketers specific capabilities that are superior to other media, such as addressable targeting, deterministic measurement, campaign flexibility and speed, performance-led optimizations, cost-effectiveness and audience engagement. And when it comes to return on investment, streaming TV delivers a 30% higher ROI than all other marketing channels, including digital video, digital display, paid search and social, according to Analytics Partners. Streaming and CTV advertising can also provide a more premium, safe environment for brands, which can help build trust and credibility with potential customers.

How CTV Advertising Complements Existing Digital and Social Strategies

Streaming and CTV advertising can be a cost-effective complement to a marketer’s existing online, social, or digital advertising strategy. By using a multichannel approach, tax preparation services can reach potential customers through a variety of platforms, increasing the chances of their message being seen. Additionally, CTV advertising can provide measurable results, allowing advertisers to track the effectiveness of their campaigns and adjust them as needed, making the most of their advertising budget.

Simulmedia’s Unique CTV Advertising Solution for Marketers

Simulmedia’s TV+© is the only streaming TV advertising platform designed to prioritize a marketer’s needs. Here’s how we can help this tax season:

  • Our technology allows us to build your audience target by who they are, how they’re watching and what they’re watching so we can confidently reach them at the most high-engagement, high-attention moments and at the most efficient cost both nationally or by county, state, DMA or region.
  • Our direct integrations with virtually every ad-supported streaming service, publisher and app – plus every linear network and channel – allows us to place your ads in premium, brand-safe environments with full transparency into where you’re running.
  • To ensure maximum results with minimal waste, we deduplicate audiences and manage frequency across ad-supported streaming services so you’re not overdelivering your message to the same viewers.
  • Our team of experts and TV veterans manage all aspects of your campaign from start to finish.
  • We provide more granular measurement of the KPIs that matter to you than you’ve ever enjoyed before while our dedicated Simulmedia team optimizes your campaign for continuous improvement throughout your flight.

Streaming and CTV Advertising: The Key to Success With Female Audiences

By developing culturally relevant and authentic advertising, prioritizing diversity and inclusivity, leveraging data and targeting, and aligning with female consumer's values, brands and marketers can effectively connect with female consumers through CTV and streaming platforms. It is crucial for businesses to understand the unique consumption habits, preferences and values of female consumers to create relevant and effective campaigns. As female consumers continue to be early adopters of technology and spend more time on streaming services, businesses that prioritize CTV and streaming advertising will be well positioned to tap into this significant and growing market segment, and to build long-lasting relationships with female consumers.

Find out how Simulmedia’s unique TV+® platform for TV and streaming advertising provides unified access to premium linear and CTV inventory across all networks and publishers. Request a demo or email us at advertise@simulmedia.com.