Enhance Your Strategy with TV+ Planning Insights!

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Entertainment Advertising Services

TV Media Buying for Entertainment Marketers

Entertainment advertising that reaches the right people to drive viewership

With the amount of entertainment options and the level of audience fragmentation at record levels, Simulmedia's unique TV+® cross-channel advertising platform allows entertainment marketers to efficiently reach their target viewers on both linear and connected TV in order to build awareness, drive tune-in and generate subscriptions and ticket sales.

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TV+® Ad Platform Combats Fragmentation and Increases Demand

Left unchecked, audience fragmentation can drive down campaign reach and increase frequency to excessive levels. That’s why Simulmedia created TV+®, the most powerful platform in the industry for neutralizing this risk and finding your target audience whenever and wherever they’re watching.

Plans Built to Perform

Simulmedia's TV+® platform uses predictive calculations to source and market ads to high-intent audiences across both linear and streaming channels based on behavioral data gained from over 10 years of national TV campaigns.

Automated Execution

More than 250 broadcast, cable and connected TV networks and publishers are integrated directly into our TV+® platform, and we rely on precise automation, not one-off negotiations, to get your message on-air in as few as four days — all while keeping your strategic goals top-of-mind.

Cross-Channel Optimization

Our TV+® reporting dashboard displays campaign insights in near-real time so you can see the direct correlations between performance, actions taken, ad spend and our technology’s suggestions for future iterations to make quick optimizations while keeping your campaigns lean.

Data at Your Finger Tips to Build the Most Relevant Audience

Depending on your campaign objective, utilize different data sets to ensure you're reaching the most impactful target audience.

Target viewers of similar shows and networks by genre.

Use first-party app data to target subscribers and audience segments that look like your subscribers.

Build lookalike audiences from visitors of your digital properties and target across linear TV and CTV.

Target viewers watching other shows and networks during your time slot.

Target past season viewers or lapsed viewers who skip a season to bring them back.

Bring back viewers by layering on previous episode viewers to your target.

Taking the Guesswork Out of Driving Viewership for Any Category

Simulmedia's cross-channel TV+® platform is the ideal solution to optimize your TV media buying spend by applying it to new targets, increasing unduplicated reach, or by activating channels such as CTV or video games for more effective and efficient campaigns.


Acquire and Retain Viewers Week-over-Week

As a TV marketer, you need to drive viewership all year long. And more importantly, you want to prove the impact of your tune-in campaigns. Simulmedia offers targeted TV ad campaigns to help TV networks drive viewers to their programming.

  • We analyze TV viewing data to predict future viewing patterns, and reach those most likely to tune in with promos placed across the TV landscape.
  • We close the loop by showing who ultimately tuned in after being exposed to an ad, and what was the cost-per-converted viewer.


Drive Subscriptions and Viewership to Your Platform

With the streaming wars well underway, there is more competition than ever to drive visitors and subscribers to your streaming site and app. Simulmedia can efficiently convert subscribers by reaching viewers actually likely to subscribe based on their digital activity.

  • Simulmedia can efficiently convert subscribers by reaching viewers more likely to subscribe based on their linear and digital activity.
  • Get access to TV viewership insights on linear, website, and app activity to build a lookalike audience target.


Reach the Right People to Increase Ticket Sales

There’s intense pressure on theatrical campaigns to cost-efficiently reach audiences on TV with a high propensity to convert and generate strong box office results, as especially as windows shorten or combine with PVOD, SVOD and other streaming options. Simulmedia brings an audience-based, data-driven approach to find your potential moviegoers across linear TV, connected TV and games.

  • Go beyond age/gender with targeting based on past movie viewership, 1st party data and more.
  • Our offline attribution solution partnerships help studios learn what’s working on TV, scale performance and measure return on ad spend.
  • We also have partnerships that allow us to leverage studios’ 1st- and 3rd-party data to target filmgoers based on past ticket purchases and other movie-related preferences.

Whatever Your Tune-In Tactic, We Have You Covered

Simulmedia's TV+® platform enables tune-in marketers to leverage TV and video advertising to support a wide range of campaign tactics.

Early Awareness

Create buzz, sample creative, and drive incremental viewers.


Efficiently bolster unique reach days prior to your premiere.


Retarget previous episode(s) viewers for upcoming episodes and remind viewers to catch up on previous episodes through your streaming app.

Ready to Reach the Audience Your Programming Deserves?