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Five Reasons Why TV Is So Effective

Published: Jun. 28, 2017

New digital platforms are emerging every day, and with them come new challenges for marketers—including how to find the most effective marketing mix for their brands. When it comes to allocation, it’s clear that digital is on the rise. Credit Suisse’s Future of Advertising report (April 2017) projects that digital advertising spend will increase by 11 – 13% per year through 2030.

But where does the money come from? Almost every day you hear that TV budgets are declining, and that only feeds the idea that TV is ineffective. But there’s a difference between perception and reality. TV has been around for so long that maybe it gets taken for granted, but even a cursory look shows that it still reaches more people, drives more sales, and communicates a brand’s message better than any other medium. That's why the same Credit Suisse report also predicts that annual TV ad spend will grow by 5-7% per year. Powering that growth: a data-driven approach to targeting, planning and measurement.

Infographic showing 5 reasons why TV advertising is so effective.